Wednesday, May 24, 2017

this site is dead obviously

The post before this was a "saved draft", I felt like pushing the publish button on it for the hell of it.

New blog

Originally this was going to be a admin blog, but I wanted to widen it into a federal level blog covering multiple servers, and on more topics. So the writers will all be staff on popular Minecraft servers.

The goal of this blog is to have interesting articles about these 2 topics:

1. Ponies + Minecraft. Anything that is about about BOTH topics at the same time.
2. Something about a MLP themed Minecraft servers. I suspect most articles will fall into this category since it is so broad. We can self-promote our servers by posting about upcoming events, but also the admins get to share their experiences and insights.

Multiple servers are in on this, to start it is just and but we may add more as we go.